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Be The Change is a dream come true. It was a hidden goal to achieve.


Its true when the wise say that you have to experience certain situations in life to truly understand the meaning of words like hunger,insecurity,seperation from loved ones, poverty,homelessness and the inability to provide the best for your child. These all seems so normal right? Mostly, all can relate to all these emotional phases. And when I decided to initiate a divorce a few years back,I didnt think about the consequences , I just needed it and went for it.

Unfortunately,the divorce wasnt easy and I lost a lot,emotionally,mentally and financially. Situations came up that made me lose faith in humanity and lovers became strangers suddenly. It was like the time had stopped, and it felt like the  better days were gone forever. When I reflect on those trying days, I begin to regret how much time and energy I spent on those issues.



Eventually, it all gets better .But one has to keep working hard and keep moving ahead to be able to reach their goal and dreams. The unconditional support of my family and their faith in me made it possible to keep growing.

God has also been extremely kind, and I have always felt him by my side in all the good and bad situations. This content feeling of feeling blessed and believing in good things is the reason I feel I have achieved much more than i lost. I have been blessed with very good friends, who have been very supportive during this journey of life. And during this phase of transition,I came across a family who was struggling with basics necessities like food and education for their children. There had been a downfall in their family too, and my very small efforts made a huge difference to them. I then realized that such a small gesture made then happy and hopeful at the prospects of a better life. Today,he is an integral member and a pillar at Be the change , positively influencing hundreds of lives.

Be the change, is a very small effort to positively influence change in the lives of People all over the world. The smallest change can sometimes bring about a massive transformation of a person, and Be the change aims to achieve that by influencing changes using medicine,education and assistance in kick starting a business

Be the change,will reinvest the money into the respective families we come across. We will try and make them visible through Our stories and events, and see if Our Readers can put forward their support in their own best possible. We will purchase products frompeople around the world, sell it and send the profit back to them so that they can make it on their own. We will try to follow up as closely as we can, and update all the stories on Our website. Our team in Norway and India is growing in leaps and bounds, all thanks to the lovely souls supporting us with their efforts and ideads and follow-ups.



We believe each and every individual can make a difference in the best possible way.

Our Mission

To feed as many empty stomachs we can worldwide.To provide clothes, medicines and the possibility to join hands in creating job opportunities.

Our Mission

Our Vision


We Need Your Support Today!

Sarita Salwan

I , Sarita Salwan,an Entrepreneur, and a philantropist. A single mom to a lovely girl with dreams to achieve for myself and for others. I love sharing my experiencies and hearing out others and try to learn from it.   


Belief,tolerance,acceptance,respect, sharing and caring do radiate pure vibrations to all.


Phone: +4793000255

Registered firm: 921068123

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         Ankush Bhardwaj

Ankush, the strength behind Be the change SSK. A small change in his life has made Ankush realise his dreams and taking up the role of a philantropist and working for others day and night. His hard work, his trust in goodness and kidness ,makes him change so many lives often. Without his efforts,we couldnt come have done so much in such a short span of time.




Phone: +91 9855966658

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